Terms and Conditions

Ownership of The Muashirat Platform:

  • The Muashirat Platform and website are owned by Muashirat Human Resources Company.

Service Description:

  • The platform operated by Muashirat Human Resources Company connects the service provider, the service seeker, and the candidate on an electronic platform. It allows the service seeker to create a job application to obtain candidates who meet the job requirements. The service provider searches for and nominates suitable candidates for the job. The candidate can view the service provider's data and the job advertisement, fill in the data, upload the CV, and send it to the service provider.


  • Unless the context or explanation in the fields requires otherwise, the following defined terms shall have the meanings indicated opposite each of them:
  • Applicable Law: The laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all binding references issued by the competent authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Muashirat Platform: An electronic platform operated by Muashirat Human Resources Company that operates and develops the portal and provides services to the service seeker, the service provider, and the candidate.
  • Service Provider: Individuals and establishments that have experience in the field of talent acquisition and recruitment to search for the appropriate candidate according to the service seeker's conditions.
  • Service Seeker: Establishments in the government, semi-government, private and non-profit sectors who wish to benefit from the experience of recruitment managers.
  • Candidate: Individuals nominated by the service provider to fill a position with the service seeker.
  • User: The service provider, service seeker, and candidate.
  • Intellectual Property: All copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade names, goodwill rights, trade secrets, confidential information, and any other form of intellectual property rights in any country in the world, including intellectual property rights related to the "portal" and all that branches from it or is related to it from computer software and applications and smartphone applications, as well as the right to register the foregoing rights and protect them by legal means.
  • Policies: The policies issued by Muashirat Company to regulate any aspect, service, feature, or benefit provided by the portal, and the definition also includes any amendment, rephrasing, or replacement of any of the aforementioned policies.
  • Use: Accessing the portal and using or benefiting from any service or feature provided by the portal. Other linguistic derivatives of this word (such as the verb form) are interpreted according to this definition.
  • Muashirat Platform: An electronic system that connects the service seeker, the service provider, and the candidate, managed and developed by Muashirat Company.
  • Points: They are purchased by the service seeker to deal with them in all platform operations and to calculate the value of the CV and others between Muashirat Company and the service seeker.
  • Job Advertisement: A template used to advertise a job with the service seeker, through which the job data, its description, requirements, and location are determined.
  • Job Requirements: The conditions required for the candidate to fill the advertised position.
  • Total Monthly Salary: The total salary determined for the job holder.
  • Candidate Evaluation: Evaluating the candidate's answers while applying for the job and their compliance with the job requirements.
  • Objection: A request submitted by the service seeker if one of the candidates sent by the service provider does not meet all or part of the job requirements previously specified during the job advertisement request from the service provider.
  • Distinguished Candidate: The candidate whose CV will be sent immediately after receiving an evaluation (during compliance with the job requirements) of 85% or more.
  • Candidate: The candidate who will be included in the list of candidates and nominated after the advertisement is closed, provided that he is one of the best candidates and also receives an evaluation of 70% - 84.99%.

Conditions Governing the Use of Muashirat Platform:

  • Subject to full compliance with these terms and conditions, the Service Seeker/Service Provider may register (create an account) on the platform. To do so, they must fill in all the necessary information on the dedicated page within the platform, and then use their username and password each time they want to use the platform.
  • The Service Seeker/Service Provider is prohibited from copying, modifying, or altering the portal, or attempting to obtain the source code that the portal operates through (or that of any programs or codes associated with the portal), or to access any of the aforementioned by deconstruction, analysis, or reverse engineering. They are also prohibited from extracting derivative works from any of the aforementioned or providing access to the portal from other sites or providing access to other sites through the platform without obtaining the express written consent of Muashirat Company.
  • The System Administrator (Muashirat Company) has the right to suspend the use of the platform with respect to the Service Seeker/Service Provider's account, on grounds to be determined by the Service Provider, until the conditions specified by the Service Provider for the reactivation of use or the account are met.
  • The Service Seeker/Service Provider/Candidate acknowledges that they are responsible for the accuracy, validity, legality, and integrity of the "content" they submit, and that this is necessary to obtain the benefits offered by the "portal." In general, Muashirat Company shall not be liable in any way for the failure of the Service Seeker and/or Service Provider to obtain the targeted portal service or financial consideration due to an error on their part in fulfilling the requirements set forth in these terms and conditions or any of the policies, boxes, or fields. The Service Seeker and/or Service Provider also acknowledges all the legal consequences of providing false, incorrect, inaccurate, outdated, illegal, or incomplete information during any use. Muashirat Company reserves the full right to suspend use, close the platform, or prevent access to it at any time without incurring any liability of any kind and without the need to give reasons.
  • The platform user is committed to the accuracy of the data entered and the non-use of incorrect data, whether it is forged or a form of fraud.
  • Do not upload harmful files to the platform that contain viruses, harmful or corrupted data.
  • Do not upload or submit data owned by others unless authorized to do so, and the data uploader bears responsibility for this.
  • Do not use the platform for activities prohibited by law or religion, such as fraud and others.
  • Do not involve the platform in any commercial purpose other than that for which it is intended, or anything else that may cause misuse of the platform or its data.
  • Do not exploit the data in the platform to harm or abuse users in any way.
  • Use the platform only by the Service Seeker or their representative.
  • The Service Provider is not entitled to delegate another person to provide the service.
  • The candidate is not entitled to delegate another person to fill in the data and others.
  • The user is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account.
  • The Service Seeker has the right to create more than one sub-user and is responsible for the use and any legal, financial, and other consequences thereof.

Profile Terms:

  • The data, documents, and others in the entire platform, especially the profile, will be treated as correct data.
  • It is prohibited to use the platform services before filling in all the fields in the profile dedicated to all users.
  • The user is required to update the data immediately when modifying or canceling part or all of the data.


  • The Service Seeker chooses the number of points appropriate for the number of vacancies they have and which they want Muashirat Platform to request candidates for.
  • The price of the point or package of points is determined by the platform and the price is shown when purchasing the points.
  • The Service Seeker has the right to use the points within 365 days from the date of purchase.
  • The Service Seeker has the right to purchase more points than the packages offered on the platform through a dedicated request.
  • The calculation of purchasing points (packages) is different from the calculation of points during the job advertisement.
  • The Service Provider cannot create a job application if there are no points in their wallet.

Terms Governing Job Advertisement Requests:

  • The Service Seeker is obligated to accurately record all job data and bears responsibility for publication if any of this data is incorrect or not serious.
  • The Service Provider is required to review and verify the accuracy of all data and the accuracy of the job advertisement before submitting it. The Service Provider cannot cancel or modify the advertisement or refund the points after it has been published.
  • The Service Provider undertakes to provide accurate information about the total monthly salary for the job. Based on this information, the financial dues for both the platform and the Service Provider will be calculated, including the cost of each CV and the full job advertisement.
  • The minimum number of CVs requested is 5.
  • The minimum period for closing a job application is 7 days.
  • It is a condition of the advertisement that the job description and the main tasks that the candidate will perform be recorded.
  • The Service Seeker shall specify the job requirements that the incumbent (candidate) must have, and these requirements shall be the only means of assessing the candidate's suitability.
  • The Service Seeker shall specify whether the job requirement is mandatory or not. If it is mandatory, the candidate will be automatically rejected if he/she does not meet this requirement.

Regulations Governing Candidate Selection by the Service Provider:

  • The Service Provider is obligated to accurately record all candidate data and bears responsibility for any inaccuracies or false information.
  • It is prohibited for the Service Provider to nominate any individual for a job without first notifying them, conducting a job interview, and verifying that they meet the job requirements.
  • Nominating the same candidate for the same Service Provider more than once is prohibited, even if the job position differs.
  • The Service Provider is required to carefully review the job advertisement and nominate the most suitable candidate.
  • The platform reserves the right to prevent the Service Provider from nominating more than one candidate for the same job position.
  • The Service Provider is not entitled to receive any financial sums or benefits from the candidate in exchange for nominating them for a job within the Muashirat platform or otherwise.

Regulations Governing Candidate Evaluation:

  • The platform has the right to convert job requirements into questions to be answered by the candidate, and the candidate's fit for the job requirements will be evaluated based on their answers.
  • The candidate's evaluation is based on the correct answers and the job requirements specified by the Service Seeker.
  • The candidate will be automatically rejected if they answer a mandatory requirement incorrectly.
  • The Service Provider is not entitled to object to the candidate's answer.
  • The Service Provider is not entitled to represent, assist, or notify the candidate during the job application process.
  • The platform will immediately nominate the outstanding candidate.
  • The platform will suspend all other candidates until two days after the job closing date and send the highest-rated candidates.
  • The platform reserves the right to nominate whomever it deems appropriate based on the tests and other factors, and the Service Provider is not entitled to object to the platform's choice of candidate.

Regulations Governing Objections to Candidates Sent to the Service Seeker:

  • The Service Seeker has the right to object to a candidate who does not meet the job requirements advertised by them only within two days from the date the candidate was sent to them. They are not entitled to object to anything else that was not set as a condition during the creation of the job application.
  • The Service Provider is required to review the Service Seeker's objection and take action by approving or rejecting it with a justification for the action taken. If the objection is not responded to within 24 hours, it will be considered accepted by the Service Provider, and they will not be entitled to object to it for any reason.
  • The platform manager or his delegate will review the Service Seeker's objection and make the appropriate decision, whether to accept or reject it, at his absolute discretion.
  • The candidate is not entitled to object or justify any objection or decision made by the Service Provider or the platform manager.
  • In case of a disagreement between the decision of the platform manager and the Service Provider, the decision of the platform manager will prevail.

Regulations Governing the Financial Entitlements of the Service Provider:

  • The Service Provider's financial entitlement is calculated when the job application is sent to the Service Seeker (the value of the CV).
  • The entitlement is calculated based on the total salary specified by the Service Seeker.
  • The Service Provider is not entitled to the financial entitlement until the end of the objection period or the rejection of the objection by the system manager and the approval of his entitlement by the platform.
  • The financial entitlement is transferred to the Service Provider by the platform at the end of each calendar month.
  • The financial entitlement is transferred to the Service Provider's bank account added to the Service Provider's profile.
  • The Service Provider is responsible for any errors in the bank account and is not entitled to claim any compensation from the platform or the company.

Electronic Payment (Service Seeker):

  • Points are purchased by the Service Provider according to the packages available on the platform or higher.
  • All amounts on the platform are in Saudi Riyals (unless otherwise stated). If payment is made in another currency, the exchange rate adopted by the Service Provider from whom the electronic payment gateway service was obtained will be used.
  • The electronic invoice will be issued through the control panel or sent to the email registered with us within 1-5 working days from the date of payment or transfer to the bank account of the company approved and shown in the price offer.
  • Completing the transaction more than once may result in the transaction appearing multiple times in the cardholder's statement.
  • The currency used is the Saudi Riyal. In case of payment in another currency, the currency conversion will be subject to the Muashirat platform.

Cancellation and Refund Policy (for Service Seekers):

  • The amount will be refunded using the same payment method used at the time of purchase and will be processed within 10-45 days, depending on the bank that issued the credit card.
  • The Service Seeker has the right to refund/cancel any of the points purchases offered by the platform if all or part of the points have not been used, and the request must be made within 7 days of the purchase date.
  • In case of payment by bank transfer, the Service Provider must specify the account to which the refund is to be made and bears full responsibility for the accuracy and ownership of the data.

Declarations, Commitments, and Guarantees of the Service Seeker, Service Provider, and Candidate:

  • The user declares that he/she has full legal capacity to use the platform and is at least 18 years old to benefit from the services provided by the platform (based on the terms and conditions published on the portal or links to them or boxes or fields through the platform), and undertakes to fulfill his/her obligations under these terms and conditions and any other conditions published in the future.
  • The Service Seeker and Service Provider undertake the following:

(a) To ensure that the data they provide is accurate and valid.

(b) To provide the Service Provider with all the information and cooperation they request.

(c) To limit the "use" to themselves and for the purpose of their own business, and not to seek to obtain any commercial benefit from the use (such as selling any benefit or feature or image of the "use", or offering or making it available to others, or obtaining consideration for the foregoing, or using the portal in any way to achieve financial gain) without obtaining the express consent of Muashirat Company.

(d) To protect passwords and any other login data and to ensure that the Service Seeker's and Service Provider's account on the platform is protected at all times from unauthorized access, misuse, or damage by anyone using the Service Seeker's or Service Provider's passwords or login information.

(e) To contact Muashirat Platform immediately upon becoming aware of any illegal use of passwords or login data or their misuse.

(f) To comply with all policies, these terms and conditions, and any instructions or restrictions issued by the platform regarding use.

(g) Not to engage in any illegal, abusive, or harmful use, or to attempt to do any of the foregoing.

(h) To comply with the provisions of all laws, regulations, and instructions applicable to the use, and the Service Seeker and Service Provider declare that these laws and regulations - and these terms and conditions - can be used against them directly by another user or interested third party or the "platform" or the official body.

(i) To refrain from creating fake accounts or using aliases and to always use the real name or the correct trade name/individual name for the Service Provider or the Candidate.

Muashirat Platform Rights, Guarantees and Limitation of Liability:

  • Muashirat Platform and its operators do not provide any form of warranty or guarantee - whether express or implied - in relation to the use of the platform or dealing with the Service Seeker and/or Service Provider, and the Service Seeker and/or Service Provider accepts this.
  • Muashirat Platform and its operators shall not be liable in any way for any loss or damage suffered by the Service Seeker and/or Service Provider as a result of the use, including indirect losses and loss of profits or business opportunities, or data or damage to goodwill or any other type of loss.
  • Muashirat Platform/Muashirat Company does not make any representation, warranty or guarantee or recommendation for any (or about any) Service Seeker and/or Service Provider, and the Service Seeker and/or Service Provider is not considered a partner or guarantor of Muashirat Platform and its operators and shall not be liable in any legal way to Muashirat Platform for any act or omission or transaction between the two parties.
  • Muashirat Platform and Muashirat Company shall have the right to amend, cancel or replace these terms and conditions from time to time and they shall be considered effective from the date of their publication.
  • The Service Seeker and/or Service Provider and the Candidate declare that they are aware that the account allocated to them on the platform is a personal account and can only be used by the Service Seeker and/or Service Provider himself/herself (directly or through one of his/her authorized representatives for the Service Seeker only), and cannot be transferred (sold) or rented or leased to others, and the Service Seeker and/or Service Provider and the Candidate declare their direct legal responsibility for all actions, correspondence and commitments made through their account.
  • Muashirat Platform and Muashirat Company have the right, in their sole discretion, to:

(a) Modify any part of the platform or the services provided through it at any time.

(b) Publish advertisements/announcements regarding the modifications that the Service Provider deems appropriate.

(c) Delete any content or suspend any account without the need to state the reasons.

(d) Amend these terms and conditions from time to time.

  • The Service Seeker, Service Provider, and Candidate guarantee to hold Muashirat Platform or Muashirat Company harmless from any liability, claims, or lawsuits resulting from the "use" or the Service Seeker's, Service Provider's, or Candidate's breach of these terms and conditions or negligence, including costs, legal fees, and amounts paid in settlement of any of the foregoing.
  • Without prejudice to the generality of the first paragraph of clause (15), the Service Seeker, Service Provider, and Candidate guarantee and undertake to Muashirat Platform or Muashirat Company to bear full responsibility for all actions and omissions that occur through their account or by any of their affiliates, on a personal (direct) and joint and several basis.

Notifications and Alerts:

  • The platform relies on the email address provided by the Service Seeker, Service Provider, and/or Candidate on the platform and the messaging feature provided by the portal to send any notification or communication related to these terms and conditions from the platform to the Service Seeker, Service Provider, and/or Candidate. The recipient of the notification or communication is deemed to have received it once it is sent to the aforementioned email address or via the other messaging feature.
  • Correspondence addressed to Muashirat Platform or Muashirat Company shall not be valid unless sent through the dedicated communication channel.
  • The Service Seeker, Service Provider, and/or Candidate acknowledges that Muashirat Platform or Muashirat Company may, from time to time, send messages for the purposes of marketing and promoting services and others.
  • Muashirat Platform/Muashirat Company reserves the right to send additional candidates to the Service Seeker without their prior request.

Privacy and Information Security:

  • Muashirat platform or its operators do not collect personal information about platform users - except for development and security purposes - unless they specifically and knowingly choose to provide this information. This includes creating an account through the platform. In this case, such information is only used to achieve the desired purpose or in accordance with the "Terms and Conditions" of the portal applicable to the Service Seeker/provider/candidate. The aforementioned use is considered as the user's consent to be subject to these terms.
  • Muashirat platform and Muashirat Company undertake not to store, sell, share or rent any credit card, direct debit card, or personal identification information to any external party.
  • If you pay for one of our products or services on the platform, the data requested from Muashirat platform during the payment process will be sent directly to the payment service provider through a secure connection.
  • We will take all necessary measures to ensure the privacy and security of the Service Seeker/provider/candidate data through the use of various devices and software. However, the platform does not guarantee the security of any information disclosed over the internet.
  • Some of the advertisements you may see on the website are advertisements selected and displayed by third parties such as advertising networks, advertising agencies, advertisers, and audience data providers. These third parties may collect information about you and your online activities, whether on our website or on other websites, by using cookies, web beacons, and other technologies and means in order to understand your interests and display advertisements that match those interests. Please note that we do not have access to or control over the information collected by these third parties. The way in which this information is used by these third parties is not mentioned in this privacy policy, unless you have consented to the publication of the information for the purpose of achieving the service.
  • Muashirat platform and Muashirat Company are not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites linked to our website. If you provide personal information to any of these third parties, only a different policy will apply to the collection and use of your personal data. You should contact that party directly if you have any questions about how they use the information they collect.

Information Security:

  • The platform takes appropriate and suitable measures to keep the information it has in a secure manner that ensures its protection from loss, unauthorized access or misuse, or unauthorized disclosure. Among the most important measures taken to achieve this goal are the following: (Strict measures to protect information security and technology used to prevent fraud and unauthorized access - Regular and periodic updates of protection procedures and controls that meet or exceed standard criteria - Qualifying and educating employees on respecting the confidentiality of personal information of service seekers.)

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction:

  • These terms and conditions are subject to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Service Seeker/service provider/candidate agrees to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in the city of Riyadh in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

General Terms:

  • The Arabic version of these terms and conditions prevails over their English translation.
  • These terms and conditions, as amended from time to time, and the "Policies" constitute the entire agreement between the "Service Provider" and the "Muashirat Indicators Platform and Muashirat Company" and the "Service Provider/Candidate" regarding the "Use" of the "Platform" and receiving the services and benefits available through it.
  • Using the portal is considered an acknowledgment of his/her consent to and compliance with the terms and conditions.
  • The Service Seeker/service provider/candidate shall not upload and submit data that is owned by others unless authorized to do so, and the data uploader shall be responsible for that.
  • Do not put inappropriate or indecent pictures or phrases on the platform or that do not belong to the Service Seeker/service provider/candidate.
  • While respecting the confidentiality of information and the privacy of the identity of the Service Seeker/service provider/candidate, the platform and Muashirat Company have the right to use the data for the purpose of preparing studies and statistics and anything that would improve the service of the platform or otherwise.

Job Info

No job passed.